HomeHOW TOHow to Disable or Stop Video Autoplay in Chrome

How to Disable or Stop Video Autoplay in Chrome

You may have noticed that certain websites automatically play video ads while you were surfing. These video ads seek to advertise businesses, identify potential customers, and more. These videos occasionally fill the entire page, preventing users from reading the content. You might have tried pausing and closing them on Chrome rather than blocking the website. It will simply, however, alter the advertisement’s position. In Chrome and other browsers like Edge, Firefox, etc., users could experience this problem. Unfortunately, Chrome doesn’t offer a way to turn off auto. But, Chrome allows you to turn off the sound for autoplay videos on all or particular websites.

Disable Autoplay in Chrome [Windows & Mac]

1. Open Chrome on a Mac or Windows pc and select the Settings option by clicking the three dots icon in the upper right corner.

2. Select Site Settings under Privacy and Security.

3. Scroll down below and click Additional Content options in the Site Settings section. This expands.

4. Select Sound options.

5. Turn on the Don’t allow sites to play sound option under the Sound menu.

You have now turned off the sound for all of the websites. Click the Add button under the Customized behavior section and enter the URL of the website you wish to restrict it to.

Alternate Method

1. In the address bar, click the View website information icon.

2. By tapping the toggle next to the Sound menu, you can disable it.

Enable Chrome’s full mode for a better browsing experience and use a large screen to browse websites.

Disable Autoplay in Chrome [Android & iOS]

1. Tap the hamburger icon in the Chrome browser on your iPhone (App Store) or Android smartphone (Play Store), then choose Settings. → Click Site Settings.

2. Chrome browser settings for a website

3. Locate Sound and select it. Now, hit the toggle option to silence the Chrome mobile browser’s sound.

4. Click Add Site Exception to turn off sound coming from a certain website.

5. Type the website’s URL and select Add.

Disable AutoPlay Using Extensions on Chrome

You can use 3rd extensions from the Chrome Webstore to turn off autoplay, like AutoplayStopper, HTML5 Autoplay Blocker, and others.

1. Use your Chrome browser to go to the Chrome Web Store.

2. In the search box on the left, type the extension name AutoplayStopper.

3. Open it by choosing it from the search results, then select Add to Chrome and Add Extension.

4. The extension will be enabled after being added.

5. Select Manage Extensions from the context menu when you right-click on the Extension icon to see the AutoplayStopper extension options. This will disable specific websites.

6. Select On specified sites from the drop-down box under Site access.
After that, enter the website’s URL and press Add. Using a 3rd extension, Chrome can be made to disable autoplay

The auto-playing of the videos in the Chrome browser will finally be disabled.

Disable Autoplay by Creating a Shortcut on Chrome

You can make a shortcut on your desktop to stop autoplay in Chrome. The videos that automatically play will stop.

1. Right-click everywhere on your desktop and choose New Shortcut.

2. Select the Chrome app by clicking Browse in the new window, then click OK. You may simply type C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe in the search box.

3. After entering the destination address, add the following line by inserting a space after exe: —autoplay-policy=user-required.

4. To complete the procedure, click Next and give the shortcut a name.

Please take note that using this shortcut will prevent certain videos from instantly charging in your Chrome browser.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can autoplay be turned off in Firefox on Windows 10?
Launch the Firefox browser on your computer, go to the Application menu (Hamburger icon), select Privacy & Security, then Autoplay settings. Finally, choose Block Audio and Video under Permissions. Changes saved.

2. How quickly can I mute a website?
Click the Mute Site option from the context menu of your open tab to mute a website. One of the quickest ways to mute a website in the Chrome browser is by using this method.


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